Xiao Yao Leader Appearance

Xiao Yao Leader Appearance
Event 1: Free Login Gift
Event date: 16 April (After Update) – 20 April
Server: All Servers
Event Details: During the event period, player login to the game will get free gift.
Reward: 60Gold, Plunder token x2, Beggar’s Chicken x1, Silver 300,000
Lvl Requirement: 10 and above
Name of Gift: Luxury Login
Every player can only receive 1 free gift every day during the event period.
Player’s require level 10 and above.
Event 2: FB 5000 Likes Reward
Event date: 16 April (After Update) – 20 April
Server: All Servers
Name of Gift: 5000 FB Likes
Event Details: Player could only claim this reward once during the event period.
Reward: 100Gold
Lvl Requirement: 10 and above
Event 3: Xiao Yao Leader
Event Date: 16 April (After Update) – 20 April
Server: All Servers
Event Details: Wu Ya Zi, Li Qiushui, Ding Chunqiu, and Su Xinghe appear in Recruit Ranking now! When you get enough disciples’ soul you can direct recruit the disciple from the Recruit Ranking.
Event 4: Recruit disciples receive extra soul.
Event Date: 16 April (After Update) – 20 April
Server: All Servers
Event Details:
1. During the event, at heroes’ hall recruit for one in hundred or one in 10 thousand can receive extra disciple’s soul, there’s a chance you will be getting a Grade A disciple’s soul!!
2. During the event, the original soul assembly will be stop. Using gold to recruit disciple will not increase soul assembly, CD for recruit will not be decrease also. The system will be recovered to original after the event is finish.
Recruit for one in 10 thousand there is a random 4 kinds of soul receive.
Golden Hong (A) (Randomly get Soul *1, Soul *2, Soul *3), Lin Xian'er (B), Guo Songyang (B), Jing Wuming (B).
Recruit for one in hundred there is a random 4 kinds of soul will receive.
Xiaoxian (A) (Randomly get Soul *1, Soul *2, Soul *3), Fei (B), Mrs. Wang (B), A Zi (B).
Event 5: Wine Celebration
Event date: 16 April (After Update) – 18 April (23:59 GMT +8)
Server: All Servers
Pack Name: Hero Wine
Pack Content: Wine x40
Pack Cost: 300Gold
Event Details: Player is limited to buy this pack up to 10 times per day.
How to Buy: Player can buy this pack from the MALL