Hong Qi Gong [A]
Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP : 271 |
Hit : 0 |
Force : 155 |
Dodge : 0 |
Inner Force : 223 |
Critical : 10 |
Stance : 180 |
Anti-Critical : 0 |
Defend : 121 |
Critical Damage : 5 |
Disciple Stat Growth:
HP : 7, Force : 6, Inner Force : 5.1, Stance : 3.5, Defend : 1.53
Information about Hong Qi Gong:
As the Beggar Leader, he's nicknamed the "9-fingered Beggar". He's a willful, lenient, chivalrous and happy-go-lucky old beggar, and quite an unearthly being!
Hong Qi Gong, this hero is focus on Force and Critical for the main stat. He got higher Force, so he can deal high damage to enemy by physical attack or martial skill damage for beginning. This hero also have own martial talent, Stick Stance, is a skill that attack enemy by sweep area.
Martial Suggest:
Selection martial to Hong Qi Gong need to focus on Force and Critical for the first choice. You can try to select the martial that increase his Force and Critical as well. This hero also have karma that increase his Force by equip Strong Stick to him or team with Huang Rong in the formation.