Ren Woxing [A]
Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP: 300 |
Hit: 0 |
Force: 95 |
Dodge: 0 |
Inner Force: 220 |
Critical: 0 |
Stance: 20 |
Anti-Critical: 5 |
Defend: 112 |
Critical Damage: 5 |
Disciple Stat Growth:
HP: 8.7 , Force: 3.5 , Inner Force: 6.6 , Stance: 1.4 , Defend: 2
Information about Ren Woxing:
As the Celestial Cult Leader, he's never kind to his foes, but never cold to his friends. In other words, he's a very straight forward person.
Ren Woxing, this hero is focus on his HP and Inner Force for main stat. So this hero's Inner Force and HP is high , he is suitable to be a tanker in the formation. He has one own martial talent, Force Absorption, is a skill that attack all enemy.He is a hero who should play more Inner Force.
Martial Suggestion:
Selection martial for Ren Woxing need to focus on Inner-Force and HP for the first choice. You can try to select the martial that increase Inner-Force and HP for him. If his Inner-Force high then he can able to cast the martial,Force Absorption with high damage.He can be a tanker , and a stable skill hero. This hero also have karma that increase his Inner-Force by selected martial ,Sunflower Bible.