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Disciple Guide

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Miao Renfeng [B]

2014-03-03 08:50:550

Miao Renfeng [B]

Disciple Stat (Lv1):

HP: 192 Hit:0
Force: 111 Dodge:5
Inner Force: 216 Critical: 0
Stance: 96 Anti-Critical:0
Defend: 64 Critical Damage: 10

Disciple Stat Growth:
HP: 6.8 , Force: 6.7 , Inner Force: 5.9 , Stance: 2.6 , Defend: 1.7

Information about Miao Renfeng:
Generation of heroes, martial arts, nicknamed "Jin Mianfo" hot topic invincible hand. Upright, but stern.

Miao Renfeng, this hero is focus HP and Force for main stat. So this hero's Hp and Force should be high. He has one own martial talent, Cyclone Sword, is a skill that attack Sweep enemy.

Martial Suggestion:
Selection martial for Miao Renfeng need to fucus on HP and Force, You can select martial that increase HP and Force for him. This hero have karma that increase Force and Inner Force and Critical selected martial, equip by 9 Sword Stances , Dancing Phoenix , Jade Blade and Marten Jacket.