Murong Bo [A]
Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP: 377 |
Hit: 5 |
Force: 199 |
Dodge: 0 |
Inner Force: 177 |
Critical: 10 |
Stance: 210 |
Anti-Critical: 0 |
Defense: 77 |
Critical Damage: 0 |
Disciple Stat Growth:
HP: 4.25, Force: 6.5, Inner Force: 9, Stance: 5.75, Defend: 0.75
Information about Murong Bo:
As part of the rich heritage of the Murong Family from Suzhou, Zen Fingers is Murong Bo's unique finger skill. It's meaningful and unrivalled. However, it is easy to practice.
Murong Bo is an Internal and Enternal disciple. His initial martial is Zen Fingers (It require 70% Force and 30% Inner Force).
Martial Suggestion:
Murong Bo needs to be focus on his Force and Stance. So you can select the martial that increase his Force and Stance. He also got karma that increase his Force and Stance by equip Martial Collection (Increase 24% Force) and Star Shift (Increase 24% Stance) to him.