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Disciple Guide

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Xuan Nan [B]

2014-05-22 15:48:460

Xuan Nan [B]

Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP: 178 Hit: 0
Force: 102 Dodge: 0
Inner Force: 200 Critical: 10
Stance: 89 Anti-Critical: 0
Defense: 59 Critical Damage: 5

Disciple Stat Growth:
HP: 2.9, Force: 2.8, Inner Force: 5.45, Stance: 6, Defend: 0.89

Information about Xuan Nan:
As the top monk of Dharma Courtyard of Shaolin Temple, he has the very best martial skill and profound Inner Force. He's been involved in such significant events as Battle of Heores' Hall and Mystic Chess Game.

Xuan Nan is a Stance and Internal disciple. His initial martial is Splashdown (It require 30% Inner Force and 70% Stance).

Martial Suggestion:
Xuan Nan needs to be focus on his Stance and Force. So you can select the martial that increase his Stance and Force. He also got karma that increase his Stance and Force by equip Frock (Increase 12% Stance), Sleeve Stance (Increase 20% Force) and Tendon Exercise (Increase 28% Force) to him.