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Disciple Guide

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Song Qingshu [C]

2014-09-25 09:49:490

Song Qingshu [C]

Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP: 122 Hit: 0
Force: 70 Dodge: 10
Inner Force: 91 Critical: 0
Stance: 81 Anti-Critical: 0
Defense: 40 Critical Damage: 0

Information about Song Qingshu:
He was a outstanding class, but astray by a beauty. At last, he is an infatuated lover who betrayed his master.

Song Qingshu is a Stance and External disciple. His initial martial is Tai Chi Sword (It requires 70% Inner Force 30% Force).

Martial Suggestion:
Song Qingshu needs to be focus on his Hit. He got karma that increase his Hit when fight with his couple Zhou Zhiruo together (increase 50 Hit). He also got karma that increase his Hit by equip Taoist Vestment (increase 35 Hit).