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Disciple Guide

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Qin Hongmian [C]

2014-09-25 12:12:120

Qin Hongmian [C]

Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP: 167 Hit: 0
Force: 96 Dodge: 0
Inner Force: 125 Critical: 0
Stance: 111 Anti-Critical: 0
Defense: 37 Critical Damage: 10

Information about Qin Hongmian:
Arena nicknamed "Shura knife", Mu Wanqing mother, one Duanzheng Chun's mistress, looks stunning, but the sinister nature of indifference.

Qin Hongmian is an Excellent External Force disciple. Her initial martial is Unknown Blade (It requires 30% Inner Force 70% Force).

Martial Suggestion:
Qin Hongmian needs to be focus on her Force. She got karma that increase her Force by equip Couple Blade (increase 15% Force). The higher the force, disciples normal attack and release martial arts damage will become more higher.