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Disciple Guide

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Liu Chuxuan [D]

2014-10-08 15:25:020

Liu Chuxuan [D]

 Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP: 116 Hit: 0
Force: 66 Dodge: 0
Inner Force: 87 Critical: 0
Stance: 77 Anti-Critical: 0
Defense: 38 Critical Damage: 10

Information about Liu Chuxuan:
One of 7 Quanzhen Experts. He is upright and respects his master. He is also extremely skilled at martial......

Liu Chuxuan
 is an Internal and External disciple. His initial martial is Quanzhen's Sword Skills (It requires 30% Inner Force 70% Force).

Martial Suggestion:
Liu Chuxuan needs to be focus on his Force. He got karma that increase his Force when fight with 7 of Quanzhen together, they are Qiu Chuji, Ma Jue, Tan Chuduan, Wang Chuyi, Hao Datong, and Sun Buer (Increase 206% Force). Moreover, he also got karma that increase his Force by equip Gentleman's Sword (Increase 20% Force).