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Disciple Guide

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Mrs. Ma [D]

2014-10-08 16:25:570

Mrs. Ma [D]

 Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP: 83 Hit: 0
Force: 48 Dodge: 0
Inner Force: 0 Critical: 0
Stance: 55 Anti-Critical: 10
Defense: 0 Critical Damage: 0

Information about Mrs. Ma:
The Ming Kangmin for horses beggars elder lady. Lustful nature, skittish, with many people having an affair with martial arts. Effort sinister means metamorphosis.

Mrs. Ma is a Stance and External disciple. Her initial martial is Flying Feather (It requires 70% Stance 30% Force).

Martial Suggestion:
Mrs. Ma needs to be focus on her Critical and Force. She got karma that increase her Critical and Force by equip Colorful Robe (Increase 40 Crit) and Moon Blade (Increase 24% Force).