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Disciple Guide

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Sun Buer [D]

2014-10-09 12:13:260


Sun Buer [D]

 Disciple Stat (Lv 1):
HP: 100 Hit: 0
Force: 58 Dodge: 0
Inner Force: 75 Critical: 0
Stance: 67 Anti-Critical: 0
Defense: 33 Critical Damage: 10

Information about Sun Buer:
As the sole female member of the 7 Quanzhen Experts, she's both intelligent and obedient. "Female Immortal".

Sun Buer is an Internal and 
Stance disciple. Her initial martial is Quanzhen's Sword Skills (It requires 30% Inner Force 70% Force).

Martial Suggestion:
Sun Buer needs to be focus on her Force and Critical Damage. She got karma that increase her Force when fight with 7 of Quanzhen together, they are Qiu Chuji, Ma Jue, Tan Chuduan, Liu Chuxuan, Wang Chuyi, and Hao Datong (Increase 206% Force). Moreover, she also got karma that increase her Critical Damage by equip Sky Dipper Formation (Increase 48 Crit Dmg).