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Disciple Guide

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QinShuang [B]

2014-10-21 16:53:400

QinShuang [B]

Disciple Stat (level1):
HP: 249 Hit: 20
Force: 128 Dodge: 0
Inner Force: 158 Critical: 20
Stance: 166 Anti-Critical: 0
Defense: 28 Critical Damage: 0

Disciple Stat Growth:
HP : 5.23, Force : 7.97, Inner Force : 4.1, Stance : 4.62, Defense : 0.39

Information about QinShuang:

Unique skill of "QinShuang Fist", although high reputation but qualification is indeed the most mediocre between XiongPai three brothers disciples.

QinShuang is an Excellent External Force disciple. His initial martial is Frost Boxing (It requires 20% Stance 80% Force).

Martial Suggestion: 
QinShuang needs to be focus on his Force. He got karma that increase his Force when fight with Xiong Ba, Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, and DuanLang together (Increase 93% Force). Moreover, he also got karma that increase his Force by equip Heart Jade (Increase 18% Force with +240 Wreck) and Martial Collection (Increase 24% Force).