Companion Slots Guide
Companion disciples are extra disciples for teams to match their deploy disciple's karma and to strengthen with additional stats for their deploy teams.
Companion items
1) War Drum : To refresh Earth Stats
2) Clarion: To refresh Heaven Stats
3) Battle Flag Order: To refresh exclusive disciple slot only, which stats will be locked.
Earth Stats (OLD)
1) Same as previous version stats, include ( HP, Force, Inner Force, Stance, Defense, Hit, Dodge, Crit, Anti Crit, and Crit Damage)
2) All Stats will be added into Deploy without activation of Karma
3) However, once exclusive disciples and companion disciple matched, it will active Karma stats with deploy disciples
Heaven Stats (NEW)
1) Available for peak attributes only
2) Companion disciple must have karma with disciples on deploy with activation of exclusive disciple only able to add the peak stats on deploy disciples.
3) Stats include ( Unbreak, Random, Combo, Lifesteal, Execute, Initimidating, Raid, Vigorous, Protect, Wreck, Armor, Steady)
4) Each slot has fixed 2-3 peak attributes only
5) Cost to unlock and stats at each slot:
i) Heaven (150Gold) - Unbreak and Random Stats
ii) DragonNet (400Gold) - Steady, Wreck and Lifesteal
iii) Cyclone (1500Gold) - Armor, Vigorous, and Combo
iv) Universe (5000Gold) - Execute, Raid and Protect
6) To add the Peak Attributes on deploy karma disciples, the slot must be activate which the companion slot disciples need to match with the exclusive disciples names.
7) Once the Heaven stats slot activated, the Peak Attributes will only add to all relative Karma Disciples on deploy.
8) The peak attributes on the companion stats will average divided to all relative Karma Disciples on deploy only.
9) Example: Peak Attributes – Wreck +55
Companion slot disciple: Ling Hu Chong (LHC)
Exclusive disciple name: Ling Hu Chong
Deploy Disciples: Dong Fang Bu Bai
Karma Activated: Nameless Feeling
-Only DFBB in deploy will add on a Peak Attribution Wreck +28
(As DFBB and LHC has karma, and the stats will be divided into 2)